I like to know the results of moderator elections, but only find this page with 4 images, usually called flair
in ambigious order - no numbers for each candidate.
Is that all?
I like to know the results of moderator elections, but only find this page with 4 images, usually called flair
in ambigious order - no numbers for each candidate.
Is that all?
OpenSTV reports:
Ballot file contains 7 candidates and 64 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 64 non-empty ballots.
Counting votes for Skeptics Moderator Election 2012 using Meek STV.
7 candidates running for 4 seats.
R|Fabian |Sam I Am |Sklivvz |Konrad Rudolph |Larian LeQuella
|Alain |Rory Alsop |Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
1| 7.000000| 3.000000| 17.000000| 10.000000| 25.000000
| 0.000000| 2.000000| 0.000000| 16.399998| 12.800001
| Count of first choices. Candidates Sklivvz and Larian LeQuella have reached the threshold and
| are elected.
2| 13.724591| 5.566676| 15.372058| 12.928181| 13.432494
| | 2.975998| 0.000002| 4.257324| 12.800000
| Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who have exceeded the
| threshold: Sklivvz, 0.752942 and Larian LeQuella, 0.512001. Candidates Fabian and Konrad
| Rudolph have reached the threshold and are elected.
Winners are Fabian, Sklivvz, Konrad Rudolph, and Larian LeQuella.
A more readable version of that, courtesy of user unknown:
R|Fabian |Sam I Am |Sklivvz |Konrad Rudolph |Larian LeQuella
|Alain |Rory Alsop |Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
1| 7.00| 3.00| 17.00| 10.000| 25.00
| 0.00| 2.00| 0.00| 16.399| 12.80
| Count of first choices. Candidates Sklivvz and Larian LeQuella
| have reached the threshold and are elected.
2| 13.72| 5.56| 15.37| 12.928| 13.432
| | 2.97| 0.00| 4.257| 12.800
| Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates
| who have exceeded the threshold: Sklivvz, 0.752942 and Larian
| LeQuella, 0.512001. Candidates Fabian and Konrad Rudolph have
| reached the threshold and are elected.
Ok. From the file, being advertised as pro Mac and Windows, I extracted:
cat skeptics-stackexchange-com-2012-election-results.blt | sed 's/^1 //;s/ 0.$//;s/1/F/;s/2/I/;s/3/S/;s/4/K/;s/5/L/;s/6/A/;s/7/R/' | head -n 65 | tail -n 64 > skeptics
for c in F L S K I R A; do echo -n $c" "; grep -c $c skeptics; done
F 48
L 45
S 35
K 28
I 24
R 7
A 2
That is:
48 Fabian
45 Larian LeQuella
35 Sklivvz
28 Konrad Rudolph
24 sam I am
7 Rory Alsop
2 Alain
Gratulations to the winners, and thanks to all candidates from the community - from a minor part of the community. :)