Discontinued :-)
Thank you all for participating. We did succeed in raising the questions per day over 5, so the "topic of the week" was useful!
The data is fake. I made it up.
Original question
As decided by the community in this question, we are going to create a weekly topic and try to find myths and claims about that topic to debunk or confirm.
The reasoning is that by focusing a few interested people we will be able to create more quality questions with quality answers and bring up our question per day metric.
The purpose of this meta question is for people to propose candidate topics and vote on them. The highest voted topic will be the next weekly topic.
One topic per answer, followed by a brief commentary on why, followed by an example.
Up vote if you think the topic is good and will generate a lot of good questions, down vote otherwise
Every Sunday evening the top topic will be chosen/announced and removed from the list
In exceptional cases, special topics could skip the queue if we need to meet some deadline or leverage temporary traffic. For example: US Elections 2012, 2012 Olympics, etc. at the mods/SE staff discretion.
Topics may be presented more than once, except if they are the current week's topic.
Why: From the caloric benefit of saunas to the various nutritional strategies and fad diets, there seems to be no end to the "citations needed" in this field.
Example: Do saunas burn significantly more calories than just sitting idly?
Please ask good questions on conspiracy theories between today and Sunday, 25th of March. In the meanwhile, keep on proposing new subjects and voting below!
Next topic of the week will be announced Sunday, March 25th, 2012.