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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why are the parts of this answer offering a (IMHO original) legal analysis on-topic, even if that's not even solicited by the Q, and probably wrong?

This (accepted) answer offers its own legal opinion on whether driving out Jews from various Arab countries was genocide, even though: That's not part of the Q, and answers trying to provide similar ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
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Can I ask whether the events recounted in a Twitter thread could plausibly have happened and/or match up with reality? claims to be an author who is recounting a Brexit related tale (told in 2 parts, starting from and continuing at ...
Nzall's user avatar
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4 answers

Is the second half of this answer valid content on Skeptics.SE?

This answer to " Have prior U.S. Presidents used executive actions to change immigration policy " contains two halves: Analysis of prior executive actions on immigration policy (full disclosure: I ...
user5341's user avatar
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