the gods from engineering's user avatar
the gods from engineering's user avatar
the gods from engineering's user avatar
the gods from engineering
  • Member for 8 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Can online petitions be used to substantiate notability, ie "a large number of people must be exposed to the claim"?

2 votes

Are answers saying a claim is possible allowed?

5 votes

Feedback on question "Is present discrimination the only remedy for past discrimination?"

1 vote

Is the existence of a regulation an implied claim that it is effective?

3 votes

What needs to be done to reinstate my deleted answer?

1 vote

Is there any policy about revisiting old questions?

0 votes

Has there ever been a notable claim that justifies a question that starts with "Has there ever been"?

1 vote

Are we ignoring quality problems blissfully if we see a chance to fight some strawmen from 'the other camp'?

6 votes

Handling Push Questions

1 vote

Should questions asking to verify a disproportionate statistic be allowed without meeting certain criteria?

1 vote

Should we limit [quote] questions?

2 votes

Should we distinguish between "Did a person make a claim?" and "Is the claim true?"

1 vote

Does the [COVID-19] tag include related behaviour, such as panic-buying?

1 vote

Adding detail to highly-upvoted answer at a later date

13 votes

Does featuring a question regarding propaganda on HNQ help do its work?

5 votes

Should we close question about claims taken from reputable peer-reviewed publications?